Surprise in Lonkanfiord
South Pacific Familyadventure 2008
Claes Brodin
Mon 27 Apr 2020 18:11
Coming into the bottom of the fiord I was surprised though to find the last part covered with ice. There was no choice but to turn back and head further north into the Blockan municipality. Having only a small margin before darkness I managed to make landfall just after sunset. One night here and then further to the northwest coast of Senja,to the little port called Hamn i Senja. There they have a mountain lodge and allthough currently closed due to corona,they have granted Dora Mac place on their private jetty.
This is on the west coast of Senja which is badly exposed should there be a gale from a westerly direction. Keeping a sharp eye on YR.NO (excellent Norwegian weather services) will be mandatory.