South Pacific Familyadventure 2008
Claes Brodin
Thu 30 Jun 2022 21:15
After going through the boat and a short dive to replace the anodes of the bowthruster we weighed anchor and headed for Isla Cies in the Islas Atlanticos.
Islas Atlanticos are the islands west of Rias Baixas protecting the "rias" from the Atlantic swell and all of them constitute a nature reserve since 2002.
Isla Cies is considered most beautiful and to anchor there you need to ask for a permit online,as well as a diving permit if that is in your plans.
The main beach where you can drop anchor is marketed as one of the most beautiful beaches in this part of the world, and it sure is a wonderful beach.
Thanks to mandatory permits the island is not crowded and in the bay by the beach around 10 yachts were anchored.
To navigate the whole area of Rias Altas as well as Rias Baixas,the pilotbook "Atlantic coast of Spain and Portugal" has been a great support.