Amsterdam to Antwerpen

South Pacific Familyadventure 2008
Claes Brodin
Thu 20 Sep 2007 19:26
dieselbunker we set off for the gates to Markenmeer.Heavy winds and tricky
boarding of the gates.Once out on Markenmeer we were astonished by the heavy
seas in this shallow,20 nautical miles wide,man made lake.With the wind right
in the nose we sometimes did not managed to maintain a speed over 3 knots,but
with a bottomreafed mainsail the performance improved.Reaching Amsterdam in
darkness around 20.00hrs,but in leeward of wind and sea.We boarded the "Sixth
Haven" Marina at 21.00 hrs after having passed the "Orange gate" to come into
the canalsystem of Amsterdam.
Woke up early,shower and change of berth in the marina.After breakfast we went
into town for coffee and spareparts (blackbox for refrigerator,dorado)for
Tarita.Returned in the afternoon and managed the reparations including
installation of a Dan-Boy.In the evening we went to town for "Dutch dinner",red
light district(curious turism)and "coffeshop".Met Anton returning from his
friends,and went to bed prepared to leave for the North sea (over Ijmuiden)
tomorrow.The weatherforecast talkes about northerly winds around 12-14m/s.
There´s 120 Nm left if choosing the north sea,and around 150 nm if choosing the
"standing mast route".