John Deere decides departuretime

South Pacific Familyadventure 2008
Claes Brodin
Sun 3 May 2020 16:57
Checking the gauges on all fuelfilters the gauge on Racor1/Racor 2 showed normal values and last time polishing fuel the gauge on the fuelpolish filter also showed normal readings.
The more of a surprise then was high readings on the gauge for the fuelfilters of John Deere itself .
Since the (polished) fuel has to pass the Racors before the engines own fuelfilters this doesn´t make sense at all ?!
Nevertheless,both filters on the engine was changed and John Deere started immiately idling nicely with normal gauge readings. Departure was delayed to slightly after 12 and the reason for high readings on the enginefilters will probably remain a mystery...