Skagen again

South Pacific Familyadventure 2008
Claes Brodin
Thu 26 Aug 2021 13:39
After 40hrs at sea we made landfall in Skagen again,this time after midnight. Now after peakseason it was much easier to find place and we could tie up alongside in the centrer of the harbour.
As mentioned Mercedes has many sailingfriends also on Facebook and many are from Denmark. Klaus Toft Hansen is one friend from Facebook and living only two hours drive from Skagen we invited him to Dora Mac.
Klaus used to work as an officer in the Danish Army but like many Swedish officers he changed carreer into teaching and is now  headmaster of a school .
We had a great time together in Skagen and for me (who refuses Facebook) it was amazing to experience how people learn to know each other in the cyberworld and then meet in reality.
Only backside was a gale howling on Kattegatt delaying our departure making next landfall Copenhagen impossible.

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