Heading for Tuamotos 10:48.436S 141:39.785W

South Pacific Familyadventure 2008
Claes Brodin
Fri 30 May 2008 14:27
Islands) at 06.10 local time(-10 hrs versus GMT) heading for the Ahe atoll
in Tuamotos(482 Nm).Ua Pou was very beautiful but the anchorages at Hakahau
Bay and Hakahetau Bay were uncomfortable with lots of swell.Walking up the
valley of Hakahau was beautiful with lush nature and lots of fruits.Asking
families on the way if we could bye fruit,we were given
mangos,pamplemousse(a sort of south pacific grapefruit),and bananas(tasting
a lot better then our "globalised" massproduction bananas).
We have now been out for 1 day and night,with good tradewinds from east
north east,but with a horrible 8 minutes squall yesterday,giving us winds of
40 knots,and rain in an amount difficult to describe.The plan (and hope) is
to arrive in the pass of Ahe just before high water slack(15.05 local
time),so that we will have slackwater to a slight outgoing current when
entering.The group of " friendboats" from the pacific crossing are all with
us,with British yacht Fleck ahead,and Portuguese Navigo and American Gaviota
after us.
By the way we heard from other cruisers reading new research on the subject
of the mutiny on Bounty and Cpt Bligh,that Cpt William Bligh was really the
good guy.
I have allways known that this was the case.......See you in a couple of
Claes ,alias Cpt Bligh