Different bays-different clubs
South Pacific Familyadventure 2008
Claes Brodin
Tue 3 Oct 2023 21:38
Everyday we weighed anchor and eastbound we anchored in Gialos Beach,Paragka Beach with Scorpion Club,Ormos Lynda with Jackie O and Superparadise Club endning with the long nude Elia beach.Bays are well protected from Meltemi and sand with good holding. Water is crystal clear and swimming a joy.
There are exclusive nightclubs in every bay and as we understand Jackie (Kennedy) Onassis was the one falling in love with Mykonos and bringing fame to the island.
Today EVERYTHING is focused on expensive nightclubs and party. We visited Jackie O nightclub in Ormos Lynda watching a dragshow with a daquiri in our hand. The daiquiri was mainly ice served in a plastic glass and price triple to normal.
The dragqueen was mainly walking around in the audience making jokes.
The experience was "interesting" but NOTHING for us.
After some days on Mykonos Carolina and boyfriend Alex arrived by plane and next port of call will be another island of fame-Santorini.