Ria Ares

South Pacific Familyadventure 2008
Claes Brodin
Mon 27 Jun 2022 21:45
Ria means "fjord" and Ria ares is located in the area called Rias Altas. Here you will find plenty of anchorages with good protection and good holding in sand.
Ria Ares is easy to enjoy with beachlife and loads of activities connected to the sea. Ares village itself is partly a fishingvillage but very popular among tourists in the summer. The yacht club is active organising sailraces as well as sailingschools (both adults and children).
Being anchored it´s easy to reach both the beach below the summerhouse as well as the beach by the village spending 15-20minutes on a paddleboard.
The whole family is enjoying the beachhouse allthough Mercedes sister Anna and her husband Javier live permanently in the neighbour house. They spend lot´s of their freetime cultivating fruits and vegetables ( among others kiwi´s and avocados) as well as nursing their dogs and parrot Pancho.
The terrace of the beachouse is a perfect place to watch the sunset with an Estrella Galicia 1906 in your hand.

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