
South Pacific Familyadventure 2008
Claes Brodin
Wed 27 Sep 2023 17:40
Delos was probably inhabited as early as 3.000B.C and home to the godess Dionysos.
Dionysos gave birth to Artemis and Apollo and Delos became a religious centre of Apollo.
With it´s central location in the Cyclades it grew in importance both for trading and as an important pilgrimage.
At it´s height of power there were around 25.000 inhabitants but only some decades B.C it was first destroyed in a war between Romans and Syrians and later attacked and ruined by pirates.
We were able to land the dinghy at one of the docks and coming early in the morning we came before all tour boats from Mykonos.
The famous lions of Delos were a gift from it´s neighbour, the kingdom of Naxos, and like later in Pompeji, houses of the nobility had floors of beautiful mosaic.
We spent 3 hours on Delos and when the place was owercrowded with tourboats we took the dinghy back to Dora Mac