
South Pacific Familyadventure 2008
Claes Brodin
Mon 30 Aug 2021 04:30
Reaching the entrance of Öresund we headed to flat waters in leeward of the  Kullenpeninsula to retrieve the paravanes. In total darkness it can be demanding but just south of Mölle harbour we were comlpletely protected from the NE winds and with no seaway at all. Retreiving the paravane on starboard side went as expected but when starting to retrieve the paravane on port side the liftingnotch broke at the tip of the paravane. It took some minutes for us to realize the magnitude of the problem.
We now had a port side paravane launched impossible to retrieve ! 
It meant not being able to make landfall (only anchoring), problems/danger in narrow passages and impossible to enter any canal with Falsterbo canal en route.
Looking at the retrieved starboard paravane a qualified guess was that the block at the tip of the paravaneboom was broken. The only way to sort this serious problem out, was to find a spareblock and climb to the tip of the paravane boom and replace it.
I found a spareblock and we then connected me to the bosunschair filled with appropriate tools. Then it was "just" to crawl along the paravane boom out to the tip. Once on the tip it was difficult to hold on to the boom at the same time as working to replace the block (which was broken). After some effort and sweating, bad Swedish words, and aching muscles I was back on deck with a new block installed and retrieval went smooth. 
As usual when these kind of things happens it´s a complete surprise and could not have been predicted at all. Looking at the broken block it probably broke from materialfatigue but placed in such an important position the bad quality of the block also surprises me. The replacement is much more solid and the block on the starboard side will be replaced as well.
Only good thing with all this is my change of name. From Captain Bligh to Capitan Saltamontes (Spanish for grasshopper)

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