Time to go

South Pacific Familyadventure 2008
Claes Brodin
Fri 18 Oct 2024 14:24
Still with depression and strong winds south of the Azores as well as along the coast of Moroco there was a gate of descent weather from Algarve coast down to Madeira archipelago lasting three days which was estimated passage time.
Allthough with high waves (from earlier storms further north on the Atlantic),the period of the swells was long and expected to be comfortable enough for passage.
The currents looked very variable along the route estimated to be of no major benefit but no major drawback neither. Departure was decided to be just around sunset October 18. Before we needed to stock up some more supplies,fill water and perform fuel transfer.
We agreed with the marina to pass the bridge before closure of the office (19.00) and invited Tell and some other friends for a beer before departure.
This passage will be the longest on the North Atlantic ocean so far (458Nm , the Bay of Biscay is shorter) which will be a good test of Dora Mac.
The Iridium Go is activated and the Predictwind Offshore App subscribed to standard package, enabling download of weather routing as well as phonecalls/sms and e-mail.