Weather routing

South Pacific Familyadventure 2008
Claes Brodin
Sat 19 Oct 2024 11:05
Having activated the Iridium Go we could enjoy weather routing all along the crossing to Madeira.
By subscribing to Predictwind Standard package, through the Offshore App weather routing was available 24/7. We used it after every update which means two times/24hr and the procedure is simple giving a lot of information. You simply position start and end point and specify what information you want along this route. The software does the rest and the information is downloaded over satellite.
Since the Iridium is very slow,files bigger than 50Kb might be to big but by compression software all necessary information can still be downloaded (and more). We choose to use EMWF(European model),GFS(U.S model),PWG(Predictwind model) and PWE(Predictwind model). They were all quite consistant with each other which means accuracy is great which was also our experience from reality.
This is really a great tool to use for passage planning but cheap it is not.

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