Sevenstar Yacht Transport

South Pacific Familyadventure 2008
Claes Brodin
Mon 14 May 2012 16:08
the contrary to Dockwise Yacht Transport(who are solely designed for yacht
transportation)they deliver yachts worldwide on top of ordinary
basecargo(in our case onions from Australia/New Zealand).
Due to circumstances with basecargo our original contract (Tauranga/NZ to
St Thomas/U.S Virgin Islands)was broken,but Sevenstar took their
responsability and transported Tarita to final destination in
Europe(Vlissingen/Holland)with same circumstances as in original contract.
The transport has been without any injuries to the 4 yachts transported
and their handling of transportation,customsclearance,and unloading of
yachts have been very professional.To or knowledge and experience we would
without hesitation recomend Sevenstar for any yacht transport around the