
South Pacific Familyadventure 2008
Claes Brodin
Thu 1 Dec 2022 08:42
Leaving Olbia in darkness heading out to sea,circumstances were good for heading south to Porto SantaMaria and marina Baunei.
Making landfall still in darkness at six in the morning we were assisted by a marinero from the marina.
Initially we were looking at Sicily for wintering but due to frequent bad weather lately this will be winterquarters for Dora Mac on the mid east coast of Sardinia.
The marina is small as well as the village but prices are reasonable and reputation of the marina is good.
We will now spend some days conserving Dora Mac for hibernation and arrange our flights out from Cagliari to Lofoten for work.
Christmas will be spent in Stockholm and new year in Galicia.
Preliminary we will try to be back on Dora Mac early February and prepare her for a new season.

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