
South Pacific Familyadventure 2008
Claes Brodin
Fri 2 Dec 2011 07:55
Subject: Puh!
From: tarita {CHANGE TO AT} mailasail {DOT} com
Date: Thu, December 1, 2011 9:05 am
To: tarita+diary-519504 {CHANGE TO AT} mailasail {DOT} com
My god it´s good to be here.The trip was a mess starting with Virgin
Atlantic in London.When I failed to check in through selfservice I was
sent back and forth to different check in services and at the final desk
they explained that the problem was my lack of Visa to Australia.Some
stress and 30 Sterling later I was accepted.Once in Sydney the flight
staff told me "if you have a Visa you have to go through
Immigration/Customs and pick luggage and check in again".The first
Customsofficer I met told me I didn´t need a Visa, and that if I should
have a chance to connect with the flight to Auckland I should go directly
to Transit check in.He promised to use his contacts to redirect my luggage
to my flight and wished me good luck. I managed to catch up with my flight
to Auckland and all my luggage came as planned.
That Customsofficer did this "little extra" and saved my day.I do also
sometimes,and it can mean quite a difference.If allways "doing extra" on
the other hand ,I guess the risk of heartattack would be a fact.