"Why are you going to Finike over the winter" There´s nothing there". This we heard from several cruisers while travelling the Turkish coast last season. We have been very happy with this place. If you look for shops, discoteques, tecno music and party this is the wrong place . If you look for a tranquile and genuine part of Turkey this is the place. The marina itself is very well maintained and with prices more attractive than many other marinas along the coast. There´s a fairly large liveaboard community here and with lot´s of activities depending on when in the season. All essential services for boats are here if you need. Last but not least Ziya and his staff (Barbaros also by his desk in the picture) will do everything to help and assist and no issue seems to be overhelming.
We could very well have staid another year but Dora Mac has a new home further north and it´s time to head west through the Mediterranean this season, to reach Scandinavia next year.