From exciting wilderness to human parkingplace

South Pacific Familyadventure 2008
Claes Brodin
Mon 9 May 2022 23:52
Crossing the North Sea several times in the eighties it meant days and nights without seeing land and often without any signs of human life (except sometimes a cargoship or fishingtrawler).
Today on the North Sea there`s  hardly anywhere without signs of human activity. More and more cargoships are anchored and some areas are almost like small villages of cargoships waiting . The oilplatforms have been there for decades but the amount of windmills have exploded occupying large areas occuring frequently when on passage. In nighttime you will see the lights from these areas all the time looking like cities in the horizon.
Crossing the North Sea today reminds you of our new geological time-Antropocen (the time when humanity completely took over our planet) 

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