
South Pacific Familyadventure 2008
Claes Brodin
Sun 19 Mar 2023 18:27
Allthough the harbour is a catastrophy from a "yachtie" perspective (in the summer it´s crowded of yachts with the vast majority anchored in the surrounding "calas"),the island is drop dead beautiful and the village pittoresque and charmy.People who live here are locals giving the island a genuine atmosphere.
The cemetery on the peninsula at the entrance to Porto Ponza is a gem. Overlooking the sea and with beautiful architecture it must be one of the worlds most beautiful cemeterys. Watching the graves and longevity of life Ponza must be part of blue zone as is Sardinia.
Inhabited by the phoenicians and the Greek later came the Romans.
According to legend the name Ponza originates from Pontius Pilatus and wether true or not the Romans were very active on the island.
Caligulas older brother was held prisoner and was later executed and several tunnels on the island (still in use today) were built by the Romans.
During WW-II Mussolini held political prisoners on Ponza and 1943 he himself ended up in jail here.
People are curious and friendly and to summarize Ponza was much more than expected. To manage bad weather Porto Ponza and Ponza island is a bad choice though.