PUR 40E Katadyn watermaker

South Pacific Familyadventure 2008
Claes Brodin
Thu 20 Sep 2012 09:38
This is a lowproduction(5-6lit/hr),low
energyconsumtion watermaker quite popular on the Blue Water
cruising market.We realised with the time that running the PUR 40 should be
done out at sea and for long periods(10-12hrs/day) so that your tanks are topped
up when making landfall.Finding potable water on the islands in the South
Pacific is a tedious and sometimes impossible task,and topped up watertanks when
arriving will make your stay a lot more pleasant.Energyconsumtion is acceptable
and our Aquair watergenerator provided enough electricity for running the
watermaker long periods at sea.The quality is good,but conservation and service
procedures are tedious and complicated.
If you don´t want an enginedriven watermaker,and
energyconsumtion is of concern,then the PUR 40 is recomended as an