
South Pacific Familyadventure 2008
Claes Brodin
Tue 25 Jul 2023 21:22
With the next weatherwindow approaching the question was if we should head over Kos for Symi ( 70 Nm and just outside Turkey) or if we should remain and further explore Astepalea.
We both liked this island a lot climbing up as number one of the islands in the Aegean so far so we decided to stay.
Some 6-7Nm south is an island called Kounoupoi looking beautiful but for settled weather only.
We headed for the bay on the east side for an overnight stay and we were not disappointed !
What a beautiful place ! In the bay is place for 5-6 yachts anchored but we were only three in daytime and alone over night. Anchoring is great with good holding on the sandspots between seaweed and ashore is a small bar (in the little palmhut to the left in one pic) where they serve drinks and some food supplied only by electricity from solarpanels. On our question when they close they answered "We never close in summer.We are allways here".
Water off course crystal clear and we spent lot´s of time snorkeling (also freediving the anchor) and used the paddleboards to go ashore.
The atmosphere is very relaxing and laid back with no tripboats or heavy load from the touristindustry (which doesn´t seem to have reached Astepalea yet).
It´s worth heading to Astepalea only for this spot. If in the region-don´t miss this little paradise .

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