Brookes&Gatehouse Hydrapilot
South Pacific Familyadventure 2008
Claes Brodin
Mon 17 Sep 2012 13:42
With transmitters from wind,depth,impeller for
speed,rudder reference,and a fluxgate compass(all connected to a computer
unit),this is an integrated system that was well ahead when it came in the
nighties.Installed in Tarita in the midnighties,the system has been with us for
more than 15 years.Allthough rather complex with many small connection boxes and
displays,it has been working without any major problems.The autopilot(once
commisioned and programmed),is easy to use and very accurate.The interior
motorunit is big and powerhungry and therefore mainly used when
The problems we have had during our time are digits
diminishing on the displays(humidity inside) and therefore two displays
have been changed.Buying new displays from todays B&G Hercules system is
very expensive,but fortunately we found Myles Electronics in Florida who has
provided Tarita with refurbished displays from the Hydrapilot
In New Caledonia the autopilot stopped working due
to a defect rudder reference unit,that was replaced in New Zealand.
Investing in todays B&G system (Hercules),would
be a major economical commitment,and if so we would look at another