Diesel Duck in winterconditions

South Pacific Familyadventure 2008
Claes Brodin
Wed 2 Dec 2020 11:52
Dora Mac presented no problems during this wintertrip with all outside instrumentation working as expected and allthough the Eberspächer D5 heating unit spitted some clouds of smoke when making landfall on Skjervöy(for unknown reason but working flawless after restart),both the Eber and the Cruisair reversed heating system kept comfortable 20 centrigrades inside.
The downside of snowing is of course a slippery deck when working outside but more important in heavy snowing is the reduced visibility. A great aid is the radar but the problem here is that the anticlutter rain function on the radar is not at all as efficient in heavy snowing as in rain.
Fortunately the snowing we experienced was occasional and never really presented any problem.
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