A reminder to mariners
South Pacific Familyadventure 2008
Claes Brodin
Sun 11 Jun 2023 06:25
The bay Agia Kali was perfect in current wind and we dropped anchor at 4mtr sand with good holding.
The day was spent swimming for excersise but when returning to Dora Mac we noticed to our horror that one of our beautiful neighbour ketch sailingboats had sunk !
Local searescue and coastguard did a great job to finally get the boat floating and tow her to the closest shipyard and for us it was a reminder of how circumstances can suddenly change.
Having no idea of what caused the sinking our thoughts went to throughhulls,propellershaft and rudderaxis.
The following day we needed to wake up at sunrise and depart early for Leros (80Nm). Circumstances for a passage to Leros (In the Dodecanese Islands just 15Nm west of Turkey) was perfect with 15-20kts of downwind and good speed.
The reason for heading to Leros was shortage of marinas for leaving Dora Mac all over Greece! (more about that in a later post) and at dawn we approached Portolago Bay and the village of Lakki.