In the middle
South Pacific Familyadventure 2008
Claes Brodin
Sun 25 Aug 2019 19:25
Stamsund is in the middle of Lofoten and the good thing is it´s location only 30minutes from the hospital where I regularly do assignments. As seen from the nearby mountainridge,Steintind, Dora Mac is moored alongside the restaurant Skjaerbrygga.
Skjaerbrygga is open during weekends serving seafood and is a good place for lunch or dinner being on call.
During workdays only the pub is open serving fish&chips or Bacalau. Bacalau is stockfish (dried cod) and is known in Norway since 800 after christ. The recipe is Portuguese allthough the stockfish itself has been exported from Norway more than a thousand years (and still is).
The mountainridge Steintind (500m above sealevel) is supposed to be an easy trail but parts of the track is close to the steep ridge and several accidents (also lethal) have happened on Steintind lately. We were warned not to go to the top in bad visibility and reaching just below the top it was enclosed in thick low lying clouds.
Youngest son Gabriel in the foreground.