All about volcano
South Pacific Familyadventure 2008
Claes Brodin
Sat 16 Nov 2024 17:15
Between 1730-36 there were 100 volcanos erupting covering the majority of the island in lava. Still today Timanfaya is an active volcano but it has had no eruption since 1824.
How ever odd it seems,Lanzarote is producing internationally very well recognised wines. We went to one of the vineyards and learned that to manage the dry climate as well as the covering lava , the roots of the grapeplants are dug deep down to reach the nutritious and humid soil below. In this way the wines produced reach a high quality and in these days "volcano wines" are hype.
Being a volcano island there are loads of caves and Jameos del Agua is a beautiful place to visit. Following the stairs down into the cave there´s a small lake inside. In this lake you find blind crabs. These blind crabs are only found here on whole planet earth ! Being completely blind mother nature has compensated with a very good hearing and that´s how these creatures experience the world.