Top wreck dive

South Pacific Familyadventure 2008
Claes Brodin
Thu 13 Jun 2019 08:42
Being all alone we are disconnected from the outer world (allthough internet will still reach us for good and bad) and have focused completely on wreckdiving.
The object of focus is M/S Frankenwald that sank January 6 1940, loaded with iron for the German war machinery. The dives have been magnificent and Frankenwald is in the diving community considered to be among top 10 wreckdives in the world.
We hope we will be able to come up with a good video from the dives on the wreck.
Today we will wey anchor and head for Hardbakke which is the centre of this whole islandgroup called Sula. Tomorrow we will depart (weather permitting)for Ålesund, an old beautiful Hansa city on the northern Vestland (120Nm).