Pen Duick

South Pacific Familyadventure 2008
Claes Brodin
Wed 22 Jun 2022 19:32
Once out on the Bay of Biscay we saw an AIS target with the name Pen Duick VI. Pen Duick used to be the name of the worldfamous French sailor Eric Tabarly all sailboats.
Calling them up on the VHF it showed to be daughter Marie Tabarly sailing her fathers famous sailboat.
Eric Tabarly got a wooden sailingdinghy named Pen Duick from his father when he was 7 years old. He won 2 OSTARS (singlehanded trans Atlantic) and the last one in the eighties with Pen Duick VI.
1998,67 years old he fell over board in the Irish Sea during a race. His body was found by fishermen 1 month later.