Gomera-San Sebastian

South Pacific Familyadventure 2008
Claes Brodin
Sat 22 Feb 2025 18:58
San Sebastian is a likeable city and allthough with many tourists it never feels crowded.
We visited the house of Christopher Columbus which today is a museum. Gomera was the island he chose to depart from September 6 1492 (in the height of hurricane season !) in his search for the searoute to India. The reason his choice fell upon Gomera was the excellent supplies found on the island in terms of fresh water,fruits and also goats that they brought on the three ships. He always returned to Gomera for his coming trips before departing to the New World.
Taking a bus up to one of the villages in the mountains we found the inland of Gomera very lush and beautiful,so far the most beautiful of the Canaries.