Back in her natural environment

Today was relaunch 1 day delayed due to missing anodes for the bowthruster. The shipyard Ascar was contracted for the antifoulwork just neighbour to YPC marina. Ascar is owned by a family originally (and still) in the tuna fishing business and they still have several fishing vessels focusing on tuna. The fishing fleet here in Cartagena use Sigmar Ecofleet antifoul and so does Dora Mac from now on. There´s some cupperoxide in it and hopefully it will last better than the Jotun Seaforce 90 that we used as antifoul in Turkey. Ascar has been very professional,helpful and reasonably priced. If we agree on a reasonable quote they will aslo be contracted for a weldingjob when Randal is back onboard (welding of a new exhaustelbow built by Seahorse Marine). DM will rest in her berth a couple of weeks until my rendezvous with Randal. We will spend 2 weeks with jobs making her fit for the coming tour to Scandinavia this season, most notably replacing the old exhaustelbow and installing a new Racor fuel polish system. |