This years crew

South Pacific Familyadventure 2008
Claes Brodin
Thu 15 Oct 2009 09:05
young Swedish crew.This time Thierry Spenle,a complete French stranger
from New Caledonia was going to join,and later Colin Doig,a likewise
stranger from UK, who new about Tarita from one of his
sailingcompatriots.It was great that Martin could join Tarita the first 4
weeks,since we know each other from long time back,and have been sailing
together before(Spitzbergen).
The time onboard with Martin and Thierry worked so well!!Allthough quite
demanding conditions with winds of galeforce,and lot´s of rain we never
had any controversies.Perhaps because Martin and I forced Thierry to
scream "Vive la Suéde"-"Aba la France"for breakfast every morning.
Martin left us on Tonga,and Colin joined Tarita for the cruise to
Fiji.Allthough French/English is supposed to be cat vs dog the atmosphere
onboard was all the time very good.
To all of you I can say nothing but THANK YOU!