Eberspächer Airtronic D5

South Pacific Familyadventure 2008
Claes Brodin
Sat 12 Oct 2019 17:36
To control and use the system is very easy with only one control unit and an "intelligent" system. The last days has been minus 3-4 centigrades during the nights and temperature in aft cabin has gone down to 16 centgr and 18 in the saloon which I find acceptable. If needed, the aircon reversed heating can rapidly top up the temperature,obviously then only if staying on shore/generator power.
Since firing up the Sigmar dieselheater is a bit more awkward than just pressing a button it has been used mainly during weekends and not while under way(backfires).
It does contribute to the heating though making it possible to reduce fuelconsumtion on the Eberspächer.