HELL AND HEAVEN: Tuamotus to Papeete 17:35.180S 149:36.990W

South Pacific Familyadventure 2008
Claes Brodin
Sat 28 Jun 2008 03:54
Since the weather prognos was going to be stable for few days we decided
to sail to the Tikehau atoll and visit a fantastic and exclusive hote
called Pearl Beach Resort. Timing into the pass was perfect and we came
into another breath taking place. we decided to stay 3 days and spent one
day in the hotel and sleep in a real bed, take long fresh water showers,
and just enjoy it.
Then our generator broke, and our plans changed…..We decided to head to
Papeete for reparation. We called the marina to confirm our previously
booked place, and heard that unfortunately the marina was full, since they
were having winds of 40 knots in Papeete……The satellite telefone also run
out of time while calling to a ailing friend in Papeete (iridium to
inmarsat…no good). Later on it started also blowing harder in
I was scared….there were no life treathening problems but leaving the
atoll in hard winds withouth a motor generator charging with sol cells,
and wind generator demanded a perfect coordination and timing of all
saling manouvers..
I wished we could fly to Papeete. That night I did not sleep and just pray
to Gud, that if the weather can not be changed, at least give me the
strength to manage the situation with Claes, being a support and not a
burden. We had a family meeting, and we decided to take the bull by its
horns. Claes explained to us the strategy and who was going to do what.
And actulally, it happened. All the manouvers worked perfect, everyone of
us did what we had to do….and right.
Out of the atoll at late sunset, we encountered a very disturbed sea with
winds from 50 to 60 degrees and lumpy seas. We all five seat out in the
cockpit with rain clothes, a rolling boat…..taking sporadically waves into
the cockpit…dark…some of us, seasick…and Gabriel bitterly saying. ”This is
This is when you wonder what the hell we are doing It was not dangerous,
but very uncormfortable and scary.
Our main life line of security is our extremely skillful and dear skipper,
but I am also glad and thankful that I was cold calm during this period
and I could give support to the children…… God listens.
I have been thinking how we have grown together during this adventure, in
all aspects. Not only in sailing skills but also in all of us taking
responsability for the whole family…not thinking very much about yourself
but focusing on the group.
We are now in Papeete..the capital of the French Polynesia…enjoying city
life, crowded marinas, party boats, traffik jams….fresh water, big
supermarkets… and just love it. We have already forgotten the bad times.
Long sailing is like giving birth to a child. It is tuff but you
immediatly forget when holding your child in your arms.