Going Back

South Pacific Familyadventure 2008
Claes Brodin
Sun 15 May 2022 17:13
Mercedes has never been on the landing beaches of operation Overloard and I was happy to go back there. Allthough Omaha Beach just looks like any ordinary beach, all museums and memories kept from June 6 ,1944 has a strong impact on me. This place is a piece of remarcable history liberating Europe from Nazi tyranny which will (hopefully) allways be in our history books. It looks in Western media though as if operation Overloard was the major reason for freeing Europe (with Hollywoods Band of Brothers and Saving private Ryan on top).
Whatever you think about Russia and it`s history (especially today) their history books probably describe the defeat of the Nazis in a very different way. No one searching for objective truth can deny the impact of the Russian contribution on the eastern front, binding enormous German resources.
Without the eastern front Operation Overloard would probably never have been launched.
The Overloard Museum is the most impressive and this time we also managed to walk the cemeteries. It`s placed in a very beautiful surrounding overlooking the sea and the whole place transmits serenity.
Many world leaders have been here celebrating the heroes who lost their lives on the beaches, a tradition that will hopefully be with us for a long time.