
South Pacific Familyadventure 2008
Claes Brodin
Sat 2 Aug 2008 08:41
Muri-Muri,just off the reef at Bora-Boras northeast coast.Again we had one
of these incredible dives with a visibility of more then 100 ft, schools
of large fish,grey sharks cruising around us,and more unusual,we also saw
three Blue Marlins swimming above our heads.The children spent 5 minutes
playing with a sea turtle,that tried to eat out of their hands,obviously
totally unafraid of divers.
Once back onboard Tarita,we left for the east coast of the island and had
to pass through the Puhia pass which in the pilots is described as
"difficult demanding a practised eye and steady nerves".With a high
standing sun and Felix in the mast for so called "eye ball navigation"it
was never a big problem,and we never had less than 3.2mtrs on our depth
The anchorage off Motu Piti Aau is beautiful,and with few signs of
tourism,giving Bora-Bora a more balanced impression, at least in our view.
As we understand,most cruisers remain on the west side of the
island,partly perhaps because of the Puhia pass.
Since another gale started hauling last night we are now back at Bora-Bora
yacht club.Here we met some Australian cruisers whom we met already at
Isabela/Galapagos.The plan is Barbecue tomorrow.