We managed!

South Pacific Familyadventure 2008
Claes Brodin
Tue 6 May 2008 22:54
Sailing (long sailing) for me got another perspective. This time I realized the imoportance of a full functional boat. I learn to recognize every sound in the boat and I am most proud of our skipper, Cptn Bligh.
I feel so humble and little and many times and realized the magnitude of the adventure and the responsability that Claes and me took by taking the childrfen with us. We took the burden.
The ones that kept the mood best all times were our children, beeing a source of laugh and energy almost all days.
We survived seasickness, had very good easterly trade winds 10-20 knots most of the time and very LUMPY seas. Days went by waking up, having a salty shower and then breakfast´. Swedish oatmeal was good and sometimes I baked bread to keep the moral up.
Sunshine was really strong and, it was not until it faded up that we got energies to do otrher things like fixing the boat, or school tasks, or reading books. Then "popocorn" time and drink and then dinner, followed sometimkes by movie on the labtop.
The starsky and the sunrises were marvellous. Thanks GOD for giving me the opportunity to test a little beat of your universe and teaching me to be humble............