This years service and upgrading-Spraypainting the hull (trawlerfans)

South Pacific Familyadventure 2008
Claes Brodin
Tue 9 Apr 2019 18:17
The quote from Yachts-Service in Kärdla was reasonable the major reason for my being here. Initially the plan was 2 layers of Awlgrip with 3 layers of clearcoat but after discussions with Akzo Nobel (the producer) and the yard a switch to Awlcraft was decided. As expected they both have their pros and cons.
Preparation work was done months ago and Dora Mac was planned for relaunch late March. Still being on the hard with no spraypaint performed the yard is for known (delayed paintdelivery from Akzo) and unknown reasons seriously delayed. Having booked flighttickets for April 24 to bring Dora Mac to homeport the boat has to be ready by then.
With 5 layers of spraypaint/clearcoat , bottompaint , welding of throughhull , relaunch , masting , reinstallation of deckhardware,testing of all systems etc it´s a very tight schedule.....