Trosa to Kiel

South Pacific Familyadventure 2008
Claes Brodin
Fri 14 Sep 2007 18:38
himself.Bertha,the children and Mats´s parents where there to say goodbye(will
Tarita ever return??).With a force 7 from the south the choice fell upon
enginepower inside of the archipelago.Sometimes a difficult navigation in the
darkness allthough the Gps/nav.program and the LCD in the cockpit was of great
help.The passage of Bråviken was heavy for the engine but after having passes
St Anna Archipelago,we could set sail in the sunrise and reach out in northern
Kalmarsund.Nice sail all day,and passing Kalmar in darkness still reaching
under sails in the southern Kalmarsund.
In the morning of October 16 the wind increased to 15-17m/s from SW giving a
hard tacking against the wind for 24 hrs.With seasickness,and leakage through
the chainaperture of the windlass into the bilge we decided to rest in
Simrishamn until weatheapproval.Landing at 3 o´clock in the night and 6 hrs of
sleep for everyone.Lunch ashore,whiskey with a fisherman from Gotland and then
we left around 18.00.
Quiet winds and guitarplay from Anton(Neil Young)until darkness.We left
Swedish coastline around midnight and in the morning again increasing winds
from SW 15-17m/s with hard tacking all the way up Mecklenburger Bucht.Around
midnight still in 17m/s tacking we decided to approach and land in Rödby so
that Mats and Göran would be in time for their airplane from Lubeck the day
Reached Rödby around 3 o´clock and slept 4 hrs until Mats and Göran left early
in the morning with ferry to Puttgarten.Reparation/cleaning day with Anton
(saltwaterfootpump,sealing of windlass,rep of electric bilgepump).According to
shippingforecast eventually decreasing winds in the night.The plan is to leave
Left Rödby at 3 o´clock,still in winds of 15-17m/s with hard tacking all the
way to Holtenau/Kiel,allthough we reached Kiel in daylight.During one tack,one
of the sheets from the genoa ripped off a Dorado on the port side.Tell is asked
to bring one from Sweden.Long nights sleep, and Kielcanal tomorrow.
Woke up in good weather(!!),and fast breakfast to reach the canal in time.
Passed the gates with ease and Anton spent the majority of the day at the helm,
while Claes did "officework" at the nav table.Reached Brunnsbuttel at noon,and
telephonecontact with Tell,who allready landed and planned to arrive around
20.00.Fläskfilédinner and some beers at local pub.Tomorrow is Elbe and the
North sea.