Date: 10-07-07 Time: 18:00 UTC Position: 50.45.51N 001:32.13W Name: Lymington
Det ble enda en flott middag på restauranten "The Ship" her i Lymington i
går kveld sammen med Molly og Keith. Dette stedet kan anbefales! I dag hadde vi
litt tid til oss selv på formiddagen for å handle litt osv. Etter en lunsj
ombord sammen med Molly og Keith kjørte vi rundt på fastlandet i et stort område
som heter "New Forest". Her er det mye uberørt natur - både skog og mer
kratt-pregede områder - og store mengder ville hester. Hestene virket faktisk
nokså tamme - de var iallfall ikke redd biler eller folk. At vi slapp unna med
bare en liten byge, og ellers så en del sol og behagelige temperaturer gjorde at
dagen ble en suksess. Dagens bilde: villhester i New Forest.
To unge hester i New Forest
Two foals in the New Forest.
English version
After another superb dinner at "The Ship" together with Molly and Keith, we
agreed to meet up a little later today as we had some things to do in town here.
After lunch on board - Cumberland sausage brought all the way from Cumberland -
we drove around the local part of the New Forest where there are lots of wild
horses. They didn't seem that wild if you ask me though - certainly not afraid
of cars or people. The New Forest has a lot of untouched nature - both forest
and more moor like terrain. As we only had one little shower, had a fair bit of
sun and pleasant temperatures, the place had more appeal than it would in fog
and rain. Today's picture of two wild foals in the New Forest.