Date: 17-12-06 Time: 18:00 UTC Position: 14:04.46N 060:56.93W Name: Rodney Bay
Vi var innom Dream Catcher for et glass vin i går kveld - det var hyggelig
å utveksle historier fra turen med dem. Vi var ganske trøtte siden vi hadde
skrudd klokka tilbake to timer ved ankomst, og vi la oss til en normal tid. Til
gjengjeld våknet vi tidlig - halv åtte. Da var sola oppe og det begynte å bli
litt varmt. Dagen har stort sett gått til diverse inspeksjons- og
reparasjons-jobber. Den bøyde holderen til vår trofaste "Duogen" ble demontert -
og konstatert at dette må på et verksted for å bøye rett igjen. Forseiltet
rullet vi ut og brukte tre timer på å sy en ny kant på undersiden der det var
blitt nokså oppflistet. I varmen blir man fort både tørst og sliten av
Reparasjon av seil
Repair work on the genoa.
English version
We took a galss of wine on board Dream Catcher yesterday evening and caught
up on all the tales of the crossing. It was nice to get together again after the
long crossing - and also there was not much time for socializing the last days
in Las Palmas due to the final preparations and crew arrivals. Having not really
adjusted to the two hours extra (we moved the clocks back two hours on arrival)
we were pretty tired and went to bed at a normal time. We woke however early at
seven thirty as the day was both light and warm. The day has largely been
devoted to work on the boat. The main job being to repair the under edge of the
genoa which had become rather frayed in places. We spent three hours sewing
this. We have also disassembled the Duogen in order to get its bracket off -
which got bent at the same time as we broke the spinnaker pole. This I can't
bend straight myself, but will see what the local workshop can do when they open
in the morning. In this heat one quiclly becomes both thirsty and weary so I can
see that the tempo of work will not be able to make much impression on the job
list before Christmas.