Still waiting for the gales to stop / Vi venter fortsatt.

Nano's blog.
Nigel Anderson
Thu 22 Jun 2006 18:50
Date: 22-06-06     Time: 18:00 UTC      Position: N54.33.02 W003.35.47  Name: Whitehaven

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Vi begynner å bli riktig lei av disse sterke vindene som holder oss i Whitehaven. Meldingen for idag var at vinden skulle avta tidlig på dagen, men i skrivende stund (rett før middag) uler det fortsatt i mastene til seilbåtene her. Vinden har nok avtatt noe, og dreid mer vestlig, men det er fortsatt ikke noe å legge ut på sjøen mens det blåser slikt. Hver dag som går gjør også at hensyn til tidevannet for å komme ut av Whitehaven, og inn til Liverpool blir mer og mer ugunstig. Vi kan ikke lenger regner med å komme til Liverpool før det blir mørkt.
Helt utrolig hvor lite vi har gjort idag. Vi har dillet bort hele dagen. Vi sto opp kl 10, og tok en lur etter lunsj. Ellers har vi tuslet rundt Whitehaven, handlet litt, ordnet med lagringsplass i båten, fått sålet et par boots for Rønnaug og forberedt oss til turen imorgen - hvis vinden tillater det. Bildet viser en kirke i Whitehaven som delvis brandt ned, men det som ikke raste sammen under brannen er blitt restaurert, og området rundt er blitt til en park med nydelige blomster.
We are getting pretty fed up with these strong winds which keep us here in Whitehaven. The weather forecast for today was for the winds to die away to almost nothing, but as I write this just before dinner, the wind is still howling through the rigging - though perhaps a little less strongly and more from the west. Still not conditions to make the trip to Liverpool, though we can hope that things will have calmed down by the morning. Unfortunately, the times of the tides mean that we must leave an hour later for each day that goes by, meaning that we can no longer get to Liverpool in one day from here before it gets dark.
Otherwise I am shocked by how little we did today - despite only a little rain in the early morning. It is indeed a lovely evening now with blue sky. We didn't get up until after ten, faffed around a bit with a PC, strolled round Whitehaven buying a few things and getting a pair of boots repaired. Some preparation for tomorrow's (hopefully) trip has been done, and we paid for another night in the harbour at the harbour office. The picture is of an old church that burnt down some years ago. Most of the church collapsed, but what remained standing has been restored, the rest made into a park with lovely flowers.