Date: 22-01-07 Time: 23:30 UTC Position: 14:04.57N 060:56.94W Name: Rodney Bay, St. Lucia
Det var artig å se "Piratens of the Caribbean" for andre gang i går kveld.
Vi kjente oss igjen på flere steder, men mest i Wallilabou Bay. Bukta ved "Deux
Pitons" er utsatt for mye dønninger når vinden er fra nord-øst, og det var der
vinden dreide til i løpet av natta og båtene rullet fra side til side. Vi fant
ut at vi ikke ville bli en natt til, og kom avgårde til klokka var ti. Det var
mye vind omtrent midt i mot oss som, kombinert med kraftig medstrøm, ga en
veldig utrolig sjø med krappe bølger. Vi gikk for motoren hele veien. Vel fram i
Rodney Bay la vi till med hekken til brygga og kom i prat med noen norske
seilere som vi ikke har sett siden jul. Alan og Gill fra "Kumari" kom en time
etter oss, etter å ha seilt hele turen. Innsjekking med toll og immigrasjon gikk
fortere enn sist gang vi var her, og vi har betalt havneavgift for en uke.
Tanken på all vaskingen som vi skulle begynne med var en demper på stemningen,
og da to lokale arbeidere dukket opp og tilbød oss å vaske hele båten utvendig,
unntatt skrubbing av teak-dekket, for US$60 (kr 420), var vi lett å overbevise.
Skrubbing av dekket fikk vi unnagjort på en time og alt står klart til at de
skal vaske ned båten imorgen.
Selv om havner har sine ulemper, så er det deilig å ha en båt som ikke
ruller i det hele tatt, har landstrøm og ferskvann. I kveld skal vi spise
hamburger på en lokal restaurant. Dagens bilder: Fra Wallilabou Bay og "Deux
Enda litt av kulissene fra "Pirates of the
Another part of the set from "Pirates of the
Nano med "Petit Piton" i bakgrunnen.
Nano with "Petit Piton" in the
English version
It was fun to see "Pirates of the Caribbean" for the second time yesterday
- I enjoyed it more than the first time and saw a lot more of the subtle
details. We recognized several of the places where the filming had been done,
but mostly the bay called "Royal Bay" which was Wallilabou Bay where we stayed a
couple of nights ago. Our bay at "Deux Pitons" is very exposed for swell when
the wind is north easterly - and of course that is where the wind turned to
during the night. We changed our plans of staying one more night there, leaving
at ten. The run up to Rodney bay was against a fresh breeze with a strong spring
tide with us - making a very sharp and unpleasant sea which we fought against
all the way. We arrived in Rodney Bay four hours later and were helped to moor
stern to by a couple of very helpful and pleasant pontoon boys. These, unlike
boat boys, are paid by the marina and their services come included in the
harbour fee. We were soon approached by two local workers who offered diverse
boat services. We have engaged them to wash the entire outside of the boat for
US$60. We did the teak deck ourselves in under an hour this afternoon.
Clearing customs and immigration went faster this time than when we arrived
in December - I was out of the office in under 30 minutes! We have booked in
here for a whole week - Nigel's parent arrive on Thursday and we have a bit of
organizing to do before they come, plus a good few repairs and odd jobs.
Even though these marinas have their downsides, it is nice to have a boat
that does not roll in the swell, no need to worry about the anchor sitting, we
have all the electricity we need and fresh water is on tap. Tonight we shall eat
hamburgers at "Scuttlebutts" - one of several marina restaurants. Today's
pictures: one from the set of the film, the other of our mooring at
"Deux Pitons".