Date: 17-08-06 Time: 16:00 UTC Position: 43:40.47N 007:36.04W Name: Viveiro
En dag med strålende sol, ikke tegn til regnbyger, men det blåser og det
blåser! Ikke aktuelt å reise ut i dette været. Det virker som vi sitter godt
forankret i sandbunnen med begge ankrene våre ute på lange lengder med kjetting
og bly-tau. Å sitte værfast er ganske OK sålenge det ikke regner, og vi har
syslet med diverse prosjekter. Jeg har studert dynamikken i båtens bevegelse ved
å skrive et dataprogram som tar imot data om hvor båten peker, retning den
beveger seg i, og farten den beveger seg. Jeg fant ut at ved å henge et sjøanker
(paraply lignende sak som man bruker for å minske båtens fart når man ønske å
ligge i ro for å fiske) bak båten, kunne jeg begrense båtens svingninger - både
i frekvens og amplitude. Dette er spennende greier for de som liker slikt.
Rønnaug har lest mye (ble nettopp ferdig med "Gods in Alabama"), ellers har
hun fingrene på strikkepinnene en god del, og gjort litt båtvask.
Det ligger bare tre båter her nå etter at flere drog igår etter episoden
med at båter begynte å dregge. Den ene båten er Fransk, men vi vekslet noen ord
med dem mens vi satte ankeret på nytt igår - og det var tydelig at han iallfall
kunne engelsk. På vei inn til å handle med jolla idag, stoppet jeg opp ved båten
deres for å spørre om jeg skulle kjøpe fersk brød og melk til dem - det var de
takknemlig for. Hun var faktisk engelsk, men har bodd i Frankrike siden 1970, og
nå er de pensjonister og tilbringer hele sommeren i båten. Siden de ikke hadde
hatt anledning til å handle på et par dager var de glad for en invitasjon til
G&T ombord Nano. De ville ikke forlate båten uten tilsyn, og hun torde ikke
være alene ombord i tilfelle problem med ankeret, og hun ville heller ikke reise
ut i gummijolla alene - dermed var begge fanget ombord! Siden vi ligger bare 50m
fra dem, går det greit at vi sitter på dekk og passer på at båten ikke
Dagens bilder: Utdrag fra værkartet som viser den kraftige vinden der vi er
(akuratt der ordet "GALE" står!). Bilde også fra en av de mange flotte
matbutikker her i Spania. Her solgte de forresten norsk klippfisk som dere kan
se midt i bildet.
GALE - right where we are.
GALE - der vi er!
English version
A day of fantastic blue sky and not a sign of a shower, but it is blowing
dogs off their chains! It is completly irrelevant to think about going out on a
day like today. We seem well anchored in the sand here with both anchors layed
out with plenty of scope. Sitting gale bound is actually quite OK - providing it
isn't raining! One gets time to all sorts of things. I spend a couple of hours
studying the dynamics of the boat's movements on her anchors. By coupling the
GPS to the PC, and writing a small program to capture information from the GPS
about the boat's speed over ground, course over ground, and heading, I could
then experiment with a few parameters to see if I could reduce the amount of
swinging. What seemed to work best was hanging our a drogue from the stern. This
then limits the speed the stern can move in the swings, making the frequency of
the swings lower, and also reducing their amplitude. Absolutely fascinating for
those who like that sort of thing! Rønnaug has read yet another book "Gods in
Alabama" and done a fair bit of knitting as well as washing a bit inside the
There are just three boats at anchor here now - the rest left yesterday
after several boats dragged their anchors. One boat is French, and we briefly
exchanged a few words with them as we sat the anchor again yesterday - he spoke
good English. Seeing that they hadn't been out of their boat either yesterday or
today, I stopped by on my way to the shops to see if they needed fresh bread and
milk. They were grateful for this as they don't want to leave the boat together,
she doesn't want to be left alone in case the anchor drags, and she doesn't feel
comfortable alone in the dinghy either. So they were out of bread and milk. It
transpired that she is English, but has lived in France since 1970 with her
French husband. They have now retired and spend all their summer on board the
boat, cruising around from their home port of St. Malo. As they were obviously a
bit short of supplies I invited them over for G&T's. As we are only 50m
apart, this means they can keep an eye on the boat from out cockpit, and quickly
get back if she does drag the anchors - which I doubt can happen as he also has
two anchors out - bigger than hours for a boat which is six feet shorter.
Today's pictures: From the weather picture showing us just where the word
GALE is written. Also from one of the many great food shops in Spain where they
sold "Klippfisk" (salted and dried cod) from Norway.