Martinique - Pigeon Island, St. Lucia

Nano's blog.
Nigel Anderson
Tue 27 Feb 2007 21:24
Date: 27-02-07     Time: 22:00 UTC      Position: 14:05.37N  060:57.71W   Name: Pigeon Island, St. Lucia 

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Det blåste friskt igjen i dag, men turen over til St. Lucia var bare morsomt. 25 sjømil, det meste på åpent hav, og liten kuling. Det gikk unna til tross for litt motstrøm, og vi kunne droppe ankeret utenfor Pigeon Island allerede kl. 14. Vi så delfiner på turen - to ganger faktisk, og den ene gangen kom de for å leke rundt båten i noen minutter. Flygefisk så vi også my av. Kanskje er det en sammenheng der siden jeg regner med at delfiner spiser flygefisk hvis anledningen byr seg. Til tross for den friske vinden var det mange andre båter som seilte samme rute - enten med oss eller på motsatt kurs. Vi ligger nå bare kort vei fra Rodney Bay der vi skal løfte båten på land i morgen. Her er vannet klart og det var, som vanlig, deilig å bade etter å ha ligget i sola og duppet etter lunsj. Dagens bilde er tatt fra vår ankringsplass og viser den gamle festningen på toppen av Pigeon Island.
Festningen på toppen av Pigeon Island
The old Fort on Pigeon Island.

English version

Another day with a fresh wind, but the sail over to St. Lucia from Martinique was a piece of cake. The trip i about 25 miles, mostly in the open sea, and a force 6 blowing from just forward of the beam. We were romping along, though the current was against us most of the way. We dropped the anchor off Pigeon Island at two O'clock - which was just in time for a slightly later than usual lunch. We saw two lots of dolphins on the run over, one school joined us in order to play in the bow wave for a few minutes. There were lots of flying fish too - perhaps a connection there as I imagine that the dolphins would not say no to a flying fish for lunch. Despite the fresh wind there were lots of other boats doing the same as us - or in the opposite direction. We are now just a short distance from Rodney Bay boat yard where we will get the boat lifted tomorrow. The water out here is clear and particularly inviting for a dip after a sleep in the sun after lunch. Today's picture is taken from this anchorage looking back onto the old fort on the top of Pigeon Island.