
Nano's blog.
Nigel Anderson
Mon 8 Jan 2007 21:52
Date: 08-01-07     Time: 22:00 UTC      Position: 12:42.48N  061:19.71W   Name: Charlestown, Canouan 

Click here for English version;

Canouan er det stikk motsatte av Mustique. Her er det fattigdom, arbeidsledighet, søppel, tynne løshunder overalt, dårlige hus og litt skummel stemning. Vi dro inn på land for å se oss litt omkring, men selve bygda var ingenting å se på. Vi fant et par små matbutikker som tilfredsstilte våre behov for øl og vann men det var ellers ikke tegn til at man satser på turisme. Turistene holder seg stort sett til noen få hotellkomplekser utenom Charlestown.
Selve øya har mye fjell bevokst med diverse trær, men ikke kultivert i noen grad. Det går en vei rundt den nordlige delen av øya som var målet vårt for dagen. Veien går bratt opp fra Charlestown og over på den andre siden av øya, men utsikten fra toppen var vel verdt strevet. Vi fulgte åsryggen på vei nordover til vi fant veikrysset der den sirkulære veien møter seg selv igjen etter å ha omkranset den nordlige delen av øya. Siden det var definert som naturreservat til høyre valgte vi den veien og opplevde en fin tur ned skråningen til en sandstrand som vi hadde helt for oss selv - som var bra siden vi ikke hadde badetøy med oss! Etter badingen gikk vi lett lenger, men ble møtt at sikkerhetsvaker og en svær port. Vi kom ikke lenger, selv om vi spurte om å spise på restauranten til hotellet som lå lenger innover - her var det kun for hotellets gjester. Dermed ble det ikke rundtur på oss - som var like bra fordi det var for varmt å gå så mye i dag. På denne siden av øya er det et rev som skaper et flott beskyttet område mellom revet og øya der bølgene er borte og vannet er turkis i farge. Se dagens bilde av "vår" strand.
For de som liker å følge våre tekniske utfordringer kan jeg nevne at vår Duogen er nå midlertidig reparert med epoksy-lim, tape og en slangeklemmer - og produserer nå strøm igjen. Den nye toalettslangen fungerer også bra og den svake lukten av kloakk er helt borte.
Denne sandstranda hadde vi helt til oss selv.
We had this sandy beach all for ourselves..

English version

Canouan is the opposite of Mustique. Here there is poverty, unemployment, rubbish everywhere, scabby looking dogs, dilapidated houses and a slightly oppressive feel. We went ashore to have a look around, but the village of Charelstown really has nothing to offer a tourist. Two small supermarkets had at least beer and water which were on out shopping list. Otherwise there were none of the tourist shops of Bequia or indeed any other shops worth poking ones nose into.
The island itself is quite hilly with uncultivated forest over the vast majority of the slopes. The road through Charlestown goes steeply up to the ridge in the middle of the island, but the views from here are worth the sweaty climb. The northerly part of the island is mostly a hotel and chalet complex, with a road encircling the entire northern part. Our goal was to walk around this road. We soon got to the point where the circle starts (a mathematical impossibility, but I mean where the road splits and one can choose the clockwise or anti-clockwise side). To the right is a nature reserve, so we went that way and enjoyed the scenery as we descended slowly towards the sea. Here we were by a beautiful beach which was completely deserted - which was jus as well as we were pretty hot and in need of a swim, but had left our bathing costumes in the boat! After swimming and drying off in the sun we walked on, but were soon faced with a huge double set of security gates and guards. We asked if we could walk onwards to have lunch at the hotel, but were informed politely that the road was only for the hotel's residents. So, that was the end of that round trip - which was just as well really as it was just too hot to walk far today. On this side of the island a barrier reef forms a beautiful shallow area of sand and coral with some lovely deserted beeches. See today's picture of "our" beach.
For those interested in our technical challenges, I can report that the Duogen has been temporarily fixed using araldite, self amalgamating tape and a jubilee clip - and is making power again, though I'll not expose it to too strong winds. The new hose on the toilet is working fine too - and the faint whiff of sewage we were experiencing is completely gone!