Atlantic day 7&8

Nano's blog.
Nigel Anderson
Sun 3 Dec 2006 12:13
Date: 3-12-06     Time: 12:00 UTC      Position: 19:39.55N  029:15.08W   Name: Atlantic
Distance from start: 912           Distance to finish: 1847    Effective avg. speed last 24h: 6.76 

Click here for English version;

Etter et plagsomt døgn med for lite vind, har vi hatt et plagsomt døgn med for mye vind! Vinden blåser rundt 25 knop - liten kuling - og gir oss bra fast, men det er store dønninger som gjør at båten ruller veldig og alt man skal gjøre ombord som matlaging osv blir så mer komplisert. Man sover ikke så bra heller - spesielt mannskapet som har sin seng opp på denne vanntanken. Vannivået i tanken er slik at det skvalper fælt hver gang båten ruller fra side til side. Rønnaug har flyttet inn i kahytten der rullingen er mindre enn i forpiggen.
I går kunne vi feire 25%-merket og dette gjorde vi med en liten boksøl hver til lunsj - etter seks tørre dager smakte ølet helt fortreffelig. I dag er det søndag, og det feirer vi med engelsk frokost av egg, bacon, pølse og tomatbønner - nydelig. Vi hadde tre flygefisk på dekk i dag tidlig - det griser til noe forferdelig og etterlater svarte merker og skjell overalt. Vi må nok ha en vaskerunde snart. Været er mer overskyet idag og ikke fullt så varmt - egentlig deilig spør du meg - jeg har problemer med å sove når det er for varmt.
Ny rekord for utseilt distanse det siste døgnet - 161 sjømil! Vi kan også notere at om en time har vi vært underveis i en hel uke. Denne rullingen gjør det ikke så lett å sitte her ved maskinen og skrive, så dere slipper å lese så mye vrøvl i dag!.

English version

Having had too little wind a couple of days ago, we now have too much! Actually the wind strength is OK and we are doing a fine speed with just the genoa out, we rolled the main away yesterday evening and have not lost more then half a knot of boat speed as a result. It makes the boat's motion less unpleasant without the main and it is one less thing to worry about. The wind brings with it a large swell which is what makes us wish for less wind. The boat rolls a lot when running before the wind with a swell behind us which makes every little task on board so much more complicated. Sleeping is also more of a problem - particularly in the crew cabin where the water in the water tank beneath their bunk is sloshing noisily. Rønnaug has moved out of our cabin in the forepeak and sleeps in the saloon where the rolling motion is less pronounced.
We celebrated the 25% mark yesterday with a small can of beer each at lunch. After six "dry" days the beer tasted even better than usual. Today is Sunday which we celebrate with a good English breakfast of egg, bacon, sausage and Heinz baked beans for brunch - it was delicious but quite a job to make in this rolly sea. We had to clear three flying fish off the deck this morning - they make a horrible mess leaving a black stain and lots of scales. The weather is more cloudy today an cooler - no one seems to mind as we have all got enough sun the last few days and sleeping is easier when it is not so hot.
We have a new record for 24 hour sailed distance in the last 24 hours - 161 miles. We can also note that we have now been out at sea for a whole week - two more or so to go! All this rolling makes sitting at the machine a less attractive proposition than usual, so I'll not bother you any more with my insane ranting.