Day sail to Riung
08:24.599S 121:01.672E Sunday 27th August 2017 Distance run: 43 nm After a rather rolly night and a moment or two of panic when
we saw a local boat laying a net right behind the boat, we lifted the anchor at
0700 and picked our way between the FADs and the nets and out of the bay.
The wind was much more fickle and light today, and we had to motor-sail for much
of the forty-odd nmiles to our third stop on the island of Flores, Riung.
The anchorage here is much more protected, being surrounded by small islands
and reefs. We followed our carefully laid waypoints over the fringing
reef, holding our breath as the depth went as low as 5 metres under the keel,
then picked our way between the islands and reefs and into the anchorage.
We toyed with the idea of anchoring off one of the outer islands – this is
the 17 Island Marine Park – but decided to take a look at the main
anchorage first. Once inside, we found plenty of room and decided to drop
anchor here so that we could go ashore later for dinner. Instead of an
anchoring beer, we had tea and banana cake which the calm conditions had
allowed me to bake on the way. Yummy! |