James arrives

Thursday 24th May 2012 Yesterday we caught the bus into St George’s – very easy as they pass frequently by the main entrance to the marina, and cheap at EC$2.50 each. We needed to get some money from the ATM, and we also went into an optician to see if we could get Steve’s glasses mended (no luck) and went into Digicell and bought Grenadian SIM cards for our mobiles. At around £3 each it is worthwhile to have a local SIM card and it was a simple case of putting them into the phones we bought in Barbados. Then a visit to the local supermarket to stock up on food and beer and back to the boat for some last-minute tidying. By this morning the forward cabin was finally ready to receive a visitor, the food lockers were stocked up and after lunch we were on our way to the airport with Des to collect James. His flight arrived an hour late having been delayed at Gatwick while they threw off an inebriated (at 9.30 in the morning!) passenger and his baggage, but James emerged his usual cheerful and laid-back self. We were soon back at the boat and within no time James was settled in and trying on his new snorkel, mask and underwater video camera. That should frighten any sharks off! |