A cracking sail

Scott-Free’s blog
Steve & Chris
Sun 9 Aug 2009 10:39
39:09.5N 23.05.1E
Sunday 9th August
The time had come to leave the Northern Sporades and go west towards the Greek mainland before heading south down the Evia channel.  Skopelos Town is a North-East facing harbour and outside of its harbour walls the sea can get very lumpy in anything more than a force 5 from that direction.  We left in a force 5 that had been blowing much of the night and were not surprised to find that the sea was indeed very lumpy.  We knew, however, that this would only be until we turned round the south east tip of the island, and sure enough when we rounded the tip the sea was flat calm.  The wind was now fair for a cracking sail all the way to the entrance to the Gulf of Volos.  We only put the engine on at this point because we were being borne down upon by a fastcat ferry and were constrained in our ability to avoid it by being on a lee shore!
The scenery in the Gulf is breathtaking and we made our way to an island just inside the entrance where we anchored in a pretty cove.
Approaching Nisos Palaio Trikeri just inside the Gulf of Volos