Ormos Panormos revisited

Scott-Free’s blog
Steve & Chris
Fri 10 Jul 2009 16:15
Friday 10th July
As Kerrie and Lee
have not yet seen any dolphins, and as they were enjoying the sailing, we
decided we would sail a little further offshore on the way back to Ormos
Panormos, to give ourselves more chance of spotting some. However, Kerrie
had woken feeling a bit rough, and further offshore there was a swell running,
and this coupled with a light wind made her feel even worse. The people on
the boat next to us on the quayside were keeping very late hours (a skippered
charter so they only had to laze around on deck the next day) and were rather
noisy and had disturbed her sleep, so she slept most of the way back to the
anchorage and we saw nil dolphins again!
However, she perked
up once we arrived in Ormos Panormos again, and we were all soon cooling off in
the clear waters again.

The line ashore
has other uses too...
We decided to eat on
board and Steve produced a very tasty spaghetti carbonara which went down well
with one or two (or more...) glasses of wine. As before, it was calm and
peaceful in the anchorage, with only four boats in, and a good night's
sleep promised.