More checking out and in

Scott-Free’s blog
Steve & Chris
Sat 2 Jun 2012 00:53

12:28.993N 61:27.627W


Saturday 2nd June 2012


Distance run: 12 nmiles


It is amazing how quickly James’s time with us is passing, and with only 5 days left we need to get back to Grenada so that he can spend a few days there and see a bit of the island.  So we reluctantly left the Tobago Cays, carefully picking our way out of the south exit between the reefs, and headed once more for Clifton where this time we anchored briefly while we checked back out of St Vincent & the Grenadines.  Because it was the weekend, the Customs & Immigration offices in town were closed, and we had to walk to the airport to do the paperwork.  This was not a problem as it was only a ten-minute walk to the tiny little airport and we were cleared out in no time at all –AND without paying any overtime fees.  It really just demonstrates that it really does depend on the individual that you happen to see.


Lunch at anchor, this time without squalls, and then a gentle downwind sail back to Hillsborough on Carriacou to check back in to Grenada.  I stayed on board while Steve & James went ashore to do the paperwork, and they were gone so long I was beginning to worry they had had to walk  miles to an airport to do so.  Just as I was getting really worried that they had been caught up in some officialdom or other, they arrived back at the boat saying how quick and easy it had all been.  Stupid me, I even asked what had taken them so long then….


We had been recommended a restaurant a little way out of town called “The Round House” and had booked a table for dinner.  We walked to the bus station in town and were helped to find the correct bus by other locals waiting there.  A rather scary bus ride later we were dropped off in what appeared to be the middle of nowhere.  As we stood stupidly looking around us, one of the passengers on the departing bus pointed to the restaurant sign hanging from the tree we were standing under!


We found our way down a winding but well-lit path and emerged in a pleasant garden overlooking the bay.  The restaurant was indeed a round house with round windows made out of wheels, and it was built around a tree.  The food was cooked by a lady who used to cook on the Onassis yacht, and it was excellent.  We opted for the fish of the day which was barracuda and was very tasty.  The chocolate fondant was to die for.


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The Round House restaurant in Bogles, Carriacou